Release 5 of The Screencasting Handbook now available
I’ve uploaded Release 5 of the Handbook and sent out update emails to everyone who bought an earlier copy. The new release has 1 full new chapter and 1 new half chapter and takes the word-count up to 13,000.
The new chapter is ‘Make a screencast in 2 hours’ and discusses Camtasia Studio, BBFlashBack and ScreenFlow. The half chapter talks about ‘Distribution’ and discusses YouTube, Vimeo, ShowMeDo and other sites for public and private hosting.
If you want to get a copy then visit the Handbook’s homepage, check the table of contents (so you know what you’re getting) and then sign-up to the mailing list on the bottom of the page. You’ll be mailed details of how to buy and sent updates as the book expands.
I’m not posting links to the Buy page too liberally yet as I want purchasers to be absolutely aware that the book is very much not finished and subject to updates every month!
Tags: New Chapter, New Release, Table Of Contents, Word Count
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