Links for the Internet Marketing Podcast
This post accompanies the Internet Marketing Podcast post, I was interviewed by Andy White on the hows and whys of screencasting for software marketing. These are the links that were mentioned in the podcast.
My interview runs for the last 20 minutes (from 0:37:00 to 0:52:00):
To see how you could make your first screencast watch my ‘Making a screencast in the next 30 minutes‘ tutorial. It uses the free Jing and I’ve embedded the resulting screencast (via so you can see what the result looks like.
To see three microphones in action by Andy White see Mic round-up: sE2200T, Samson C01U, Shure SM58. Andy recorded these videos for his Podcasting Unleashed eBook, you get to hear how the mics sound and you get to learn some useful microphone techniques.
If you’re interested in BBFlashBack on Windows see my review of BBFlashBack 2.6.6. I also mention Camtasia (for Windows and Mac) and ScreenFlow for Mac.
If you have screencasting questions do come and join this Handbook’s Google Group. The Group is free to join and we have 100 screencasters (on Mac, Windows and Linux) with different levels of experience and tools.
Tags: 30 Minutes, Andy White, Camtasia, Embedded, Google, Google Group, Internet Marketing, Internet Series, Linux, Mac Windows, Marketing Links, Microphone Techniques, Microphones, Mics, Podcasting, Samson C01u, Screencasting, Shure Sm58, Software Marketing, Videos, Whys, Windows Mac
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